

  1. Asian Cabbage ( 2 )
  2. White Radish ( ½ )
  3. Red Pepper Powder ( not too fine : 3-5 Tsb )
  4. Crushed Garlic ( 2 Tsb )
  5. Green Onion ( 1 batch )
  6. Carrot ( 2 )
  7. Chopped Ginger ( 1 tsb )
  8. Sugar ( 2 tsb )
  9. Sea Salt
  10. Fish Sauce  ( Korean fish sauce or shrimp pickle sauce , you can substitute any Chinese fish sauce  )  as much as make all material little salty
  11. Chopped Fresh Red Chile ( 2 piece )



Processing summary


  1. Salting Cabbage
  2. Preparing stuffing
  3. Stuffing into salted Cabbage
  4. Storing
  5. Processing – marinating
  6. Serve





1  Cut Cabbage into half

2. Sprinkle sea salt all over the Cabbage

3. Wait until Cabbage get weak and soggy ( timing is important, shouldn’t be too soggy, not to stiff )

4.  When it’s ready, wash it and leave in mesh bowl to drain out water completely


Prepare stuffing


  1. Slice( very thin ) white radish and cut into long pieces
  2. Cut Carrot and green onion in same shape as white radish
  3. Mix everything ( White Radish, Carrot, Ginger, Garlic, Fish Sauce, Red pepper power ) in bowl
  4. Leave it while waiting cabbage get soggy
  5. Stuff the above stuffing in soggy cabbage into each leave
  6. Fold stuffed cabbaged tightly and leave it in glass jar or ceramic jar
  7. It will start to be watery and expanded by producing gas by chemical process of pepper powder and garlic and ginger and salty cabbage
  8. Frequently put pressure on it to rid the gas
  9. Normally it will take 24 to 36 hours depending on the room temperature
  10. When it’s ready, it should be little sour.   Then store it in refrigerator to chill and serve
    創作者 james 的頭像

    Chueh's Family

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